Are you inadvertently doing these 10 ways that set your child up for failure? Sometimes we even think we are being good parents while doing them because we only want our children to be happy. Parenting is hard and sometimes our best intentions don’t have the results we expected. Over the years, I’ve had to work on making sure I’m not guilty of these 10 things myself. It’s ...
The Real Problem With Women Always Saying I’m Sorry
We seem to be the most apologetic of the sexes, but why women really apologize so much goes so much deeper than those two simple words. The other day a friend of mine stopped over for a much needed coffee break. We had both finished dropping our kids off at school. We hadn't showered or put make up on but for a moment we could just breathe. And then it ...
The 3 Words Your Kids Need To Hear
Every day, I send my kids off to school with these 3 words your kids need to hear. And I cannot tell you what an impact it has on their days, as well as my own... because these 3 words work for any age. Someone yanks the toy away from your 4 year old at preschool. Your daughter's on-again/off-again friend leaves her out at recess. Everyone's swearing on the bus while your ...
When Your Child Wants Only One Parent
When your child wants only one parent, it can be detrimental to all the relationships. One parent becomes physically and emotionally drained while the other parent wonders what they could have done wrong to cause it. But there is a simple solution that will remind your children you both love them and can take care of them equally well. Both the girls were laid out on ...
A Rewards System That Works
After trying multiple methods, my husband and I finally landed on a rewards system that works for our 2 young children. As a bonus, it has also becomes the means through which they can earn their own money! Two important lessons in one simple system. If you are anything like me, there are some days when I feel like my kiddos are on a mission to drive me up a wall. They are ...
Before School Rule
As part of my 31 Days and 31 Ways to Be a Better Mom series, I wanted to share Our Before School Rule. Because if your house is anything like mine, that one or two crucial hours before the tardy bell rings have the potential to be the worst part of your day! I'm so excited you're back today to join me on this journey over the next 31 days! If you're a new ...
5 Discipline Rules For PARENTS
We so often talk about the effects of discipline on OUR CHILD but for me personally, I wish someone had shared with me these 5 Discipline Rules For Parents. Because discipline, and it's effects, are not exclusionary to just your children. I refer to it as the "pop heard round the world." At least, that's how it's felt to me all these years. And nearly 5 ...
Parenting the Brave Child
I kept asking her why she wasn't smiling, why she wasn't excited but I had forgotten...for a moment I forgot that I was parenting the brave child. The answers aren't on the's never that straightforward. Our children are each so beautiful and unique in their own ways. The color of their hair, their temperament, their likes, their dislikes...each and everyone is different and ...
5 Things To Do Every Morning
With school back in session and everyone running on too little time, I make sure I follow this "5 Things To Do Every Morning" checklist. And it makes my morning so much smoother and less rushed! August/September means the start of a new school year for many of us busy moms. I hate the feeling of being rushed or that nagging sense that I'm forgetting to do something so I a ...
When Kindergarten Feels Like The Beginning Of The End
Despite all the promises that sending her to school would get easier, that I would love all the free time, for me all I could think was "when Kindergarten feels like the beginning of the end." One year under our belt and the twinge of sadness remains... This was it. This was really it. I mean, I had known this day was coming for over 5 years now. So many moments I had thought I couldn't ...