While laying with my child at bedtime, my 5 year old asked a very potent question - Mommy when the time comes, will we ride our bike to heaven? I'm not quite ready for my little girls to be growing up and asking big kid questions. Boyfriends. Puberty. Sex and Sexuality. I'm not sure I'm ready to be that parent yet. And even though death is probably one of the first "big" ...
from the heart
6 Ways to Achieve Toddler Nirvana As An Adult
Below are 6 ways to achieve toddler nirvana as an adult! As adults, we get so wrapped up in our children, spouse, and a multitude of other responsibilities, we forget what it's like to actually let go and enjoy life for the beautiful and awesome thing it is. Today was an absolutely gorgeous day here in North Carolina and I went home to visit my parents who live an hour away (I am a momma ...
Dear Kindergarten Bully
To The Kindergarten Bully, I want you to know that I see you, I REALLY see you. And that all of this pain you hold inside is only going to hold you back. Dear Kindergarten Bully, Today, my sweet, sweet little girl came home from school visibly upset. She was a little quieter than normal and didn't want to really share how her day had gone. She finally told me ...
What Will My Kids Remember From Our Day
As I put my girls to bed tonight, a simple thought entered my mind – What will my kids remember from our day? What will be their last thoughts as they drift off to sleep? It’s been another one of THOSE days…you know the ones. Where neither of my girls was very interested in listening to me. They didn’t want to play…alone…or with each other…or outside…or inside. We have NO toys ...
Are We Sending Her the Right Message?
For those of us with a daughter, we need to ask ourselves are we sending her the right message about what is beautiful? Are we showing the same self-confidence and self-respect that we want her to have? Growing up the middle of 3 girls I think one of us was always on some kind of fad diet or complaining about our weight, our hair, our looks in general. It must ...
To My Firstborn…I’m Sorry
To my firstborn...I'm sorry. I'm sorry because you will always get the worst version of me as a mother. To my firstborn daughter, I would like to officially and on the record tell you I’m sorry. I’m sorry because you will always get the worst version of me as a mom. I say that only half jokingly. For the first almost 3 years of your life, had someone asked me if I was ...
Focusing on Joy…Not Happiness
What if we changed our perspective and started focusing on joy...not happiness? How would that change us? I was listening to that Scheryl Crow song the other day..Soak up the Sun. There's a line that says "It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got." I’ve listened to that song for many years, never giving much pause to it’s meaning or that line in particular. But for ...