Are you inadvertently doing these 10 ways that set your child up for failure? Sometimes we even think we are being good parents while doing them because we only want our children to be happy. Parenting is hard and sometimes our best intentions don’t have the results we expected. Over the years, I’ve had to work on making sure I’m not guilty of these 10 things myself. It’s ...
good parenting
Surviving Parenting After Your Divorce
Parenting after divorce can seem like an insurmountable task some days. Sharing custody, figuring out who gets kids for the holidays, understanding that you won't get to be witness to all of your child's milestones any more. It's an emotional blow. But it can be done...and done well. It comes down in large part to accepting that things have changed, working with your ...
6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids
My husband and I follow these 6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids on a daily basis. Or at the very least, we are trying! Because the example we are setting at home for our children is laying the foundation for many many years to come. Being a good parent sometimes has NOTHING to do with your children. Sounds weird huh? But the way we ...