We spend so much time saying "we don't have time" that you may wonder just how to make time for what matters. But the key is we ALL have the exact same amount of time - there are 24 hours in a day for you. for me. for everyone. So if there are things that are important to you that you aren't finding time for, it's time to figure out those roadblocks. "Hillary," I heard my ...
working mom
Being A Stay At Home Mom Is
Being a stay at home mom is never what people think...well, unless those people are stay at home moms. I remember idealizing what this life would be like...wrong, wrong, wrong. But sometimes it surprises me in ways I never could have imagined. An innocuous comment the other day catapulted me back into that realm where I began to think back on what I thought being a Stay At Home ...
Dear Mom Who CHOOSES To Work
Dear Mom Who CHOOSES To Work, there are a few things I want you to know. Because I'm guessing this road you have chosen isn't always the easiest and this path isn't always the most "approved." To The Working Mom Who CHOOSES To Work, You are perhaps the most vilified and respected mom on the block, depending upon who you talk to. There are the stay at home moms who are ...