Sometimes being the mom you want to be comes down to saying yes even when it is hard. It's saying yes when all you really want to do is say no, but you are able to look beyond the reasons and give in anyway. It's 50 degrees outside with not a stitch of sunlight as far as the eye can see. It's warmer than it's been the past 3 months, no doubt. But it's certainly not bathing ...
better mom
Before School Rule
As part of my 31 Days and 31 Ways to Be a Better Mom series, I wanted to share Our Before School Rule. Because if your house is anything like mine, that one or two crucial hours before the tardy bell rings have the potential to be the worst part of your day! I'm so excited you're back today to join me on this journey over the next 31 days! If you're a new ...
Do As I Say
Do As I Say... let's be honest with ourselves about what kind of example we are setting. It's really easy to expect a lot of our kids. Have you really looked at your own behavior and asked if it's up to par with what you are wanting from your child? "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" We all know the old quote "Do as I say, not as I do." It always evokes a good laugh and many ...
Be A Rebel in motherhood – choose your path
For anyone who has children, Day 5 Be A Rebel will surely resonate with you. Because from the time we find out we are pregnant, there is a constant barrage of Do's and Don'ts. And it's up to you to forge your own path in this world we call motherhood. Having a child means people come out of the woodwork to give you advice. I remember when I found out I was pregnant ...
Dear Mom… Embrace Your Crazy
Today I want to remind you to just Embrace Your Crazy! It's important to remember that being an adult doesn't have to equal being a bore. As moms, we still have it in us to be crazy, fun and sporadic. This is part of my 31 Days & 31 Ways To Be A Better Mom series, be sure and check out yesterday's post! Kids Live In The Moment It's easy to see how and why ...
Let them be bored… step away from your child
It is ok to stop entertaining your child & just Step Away From Your Child. Let's talk about our incessant need to entertain and fill our kids' days with crafts, toys, and educational learning experiences. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter and follow along on Facebook so you don't miss a single post in the 31 Days & 31 Ways To Be A Better Mom series! A Routine Day ...
Day 19 Relax – You Are Never Going To Finish
As moms we get so wrapped up in crossing things off our To-Do list that we often forget this: Day 19 Relax - You Are Never Going To Finish. I mean, like NEVER! And it's good and it's bad and it's all in a day of parenting. But the sooner we accept this truism, the sooner we can focus on what's really important. The Race Begins Alarm off - jump out of bed - rouse snoring hubby - ...
Day 18 Quit Beating Yourself Up
I don't know about you but Day 18 Quit Beating Yourself Up is one I need to remind myself of at least once a day. I'm not sure where or how we learn it as moms, but to truly be a better mom, we need to quit using ourselves as a punching bag. When did it happen? When did we become the punching bag in this relationship with ourselves? I don't remember being so hard on ...
Day 17 Put Yourself In Their Shoes
It's really hard to do this sometimes- but Day 17 Put Yourself In Their Shoes gives us moms a little insight into how crappy it can be to be a kid some days. Because when you think about it, it's not all sunshine and suckers that low to the ground. And even though it's all a little funny, sometimes being a better mom is as simple as remembering that everyone faces daily struggles, ...
Day 16 Be Their Calm
On the days when it's hard and the days that you think you cannot possibly bite your tongue or keep the peace any more, Day 16 Be Their Calm is all about why you should. How in the midst of the chaos that is this world, sometimes being a better mom is all about finding the ways to make your home be the eye of the storm. We've all had THOSE days...where we were running about 10 ...