With school back in session and everyone running on too little time, I make sure I follow this "5 Things To Do Every Morning" checklist. And it makes my morning so much smoother and less rushed! August/September means the start of a new school year for many of us busy moms. I hate the feeling of being rushed or that nagging sense that I'm forgetting to do something so I a ...
Do As I Say
Do As I Say... let's be honest with ourselves about what kind of example we are setting. It's really easy to expect a lot of our kids. Have you really looked at your own behavior and asked if it's up to par with what you are wanting from your child? "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" We all know the old quote "Do as I say, not as I do." It always evokes a good laugh and many ...
Be A Rebel in motherhood – choose your path
For anyone who has children, Day 5 Be A Rebel will surely resonate with you. Because from the time we find out we are pregnant, there is a constant barrage of Do's and Don'ts. And it's up to you to forge your own path in this world we call motherhood. Having a child means people come out of the woodwork to give you advice. I remember when I found out I was pregnant ...
Dear Mom… Embrace Your Crazy
Today I want to remind you to just Embrace Your Crazy! It's important to remember that being an adult doesn't have to equal being a bore. As moms, we still have it in us to be crazy, fun and sporadic. This is part of my 31 Days & 31 Ways To Be A Better Mom series, be sure and check out yesterday's post! Kids Live In The Moment It's easy to see how and why ...
Let them be bored… step away from your child
It is ok to stop entertaining your child & just Step Away From Your Child. Let's talk about our incessant need to entertain and fill our kids' days with crafts, toys, and educational learning experiences. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter and follow along on Facebook so you don't miss a single post in the 31 Days & 31 Ways To Be A Better Mom series! A Routine Day ...
Unplug And Plug In
Unplug to plug in ... it sounds so simple, doesn't it? Why is it so hard? How Does Your Day Begin? Beep, beep beep...It's 5:30 am....I hit the snooze button on my iPhone. 15 minutes later, I turn the alarm off and roll out of bed. Creep down the stairs ever so quietly. Start my coffee. Plop on the couch. Check the weather on my phone. ...
6 Ways To Help Kids Love The Dentist
If you have a little one, these 6 ways to help kids love the dentist can make the difference between a productive visit and a complete meltdown. I've experienced both and these steps have been a lifesaver. The screams could be heard across the entire office. Despite me sitting right beside my little girl, it was as if I was a million miles away. No amount of ...
Keeping Kids Safe In A Digital World
Keeping kids safe no longer comes down to simply keeping the doors locked and making sure your kids are with a responsible adult. Today "strangers" can come right into your home via the internet and locking them out has gotten a lot tougher. Would you let a total stranger come into your home and play with your child? What if I told you that he's already here and upstairs playing ...
Day 25 You Don’t Have To Love Your Kids The Same
Loving your kids equally but uniquely is the basis for Day 25 You Don't Have To Love Your Kids The Same. Because our kids ARE different - in attitude, aptitude and appearance. Why would we think it's okay to love them the same? "You love Sara more than me!" "Anna NEVER does anything wrong...I guess I'm just your worst child!" "You never pay me any attention once baby ...
Day 21 When They Are Hard To Love Love Them Harder
"When They Are Hard To Love — Love Them Harder" kind of speaks to EVERY mom in the history of the universe because there are some days it just seems hard: hard to remember that they are only children who need our love, patience, guidance, and joy more than anything in the world. I'm sure you can relate to those days when everything about motherhood seems hard. Those days when your young ...