Sometimes being the mom you want to be comes down to saying yes even when it is hard. It's saying yes when all you really want to do is say no, but you are able to look beyond the reasons and give in anyway. It's 50 degrees outside with not a stitch of sunlight as far as the eye can see. It's warmer than it's been the past 3 months, no doubt. But it's certainly not bathing ...
raising children
Surviving Parenting After Your Divorce
Parenting after divorce can seem like an insurmountable task some days. Sharing custody, figuring out who gets kids for the holidays, understanding that you won't get to be witness to all of your child's milestones any more. It's an emotional blow. But it can be done...and done well. It comes down in large part to accepting that things have changed, working with your ...
4 Alternatives To Saying No To Your Kids
If you, like me, feel like a broken record most days, read on for 4 alternatives to saying no that your children will actually respond to. And the best part is your kids will listen better! Some days (a lot of days really), I feel like one of those Jack in The Box toys from the 80's. My kids ask me to do something, I pop my head up and say No cheerily, and then hunker back ...
Sometimes Church Just Has To Wait
I've learned over the years, that sometimes church just has to wait. And coming from a fairly religious person, that just might throw you off. THE SNOW The snow was falling ever so softly Sunday morning...small tender snowflakes barely making it to the too-warm ground. And yet, by some defiance of nature, the snow was laying and sticking to the brown bermuda grass in our ...
6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids
My husband and I follow these 6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids on a daily basis. Or at the very least, we are trying! Because the example we are setting at home for our children is laying the foundation for many many years to come. Being a good parent sometimes has NOTHING to do with your children. Sounds weird huh? But the way we ...
If You Are Lucky Parenting Is Wonderfully Hard
I was standing at my kitchen island, my hair thrown back in a low makeup smelly gym clothes still stuck to my body. I was coughing...the same cough I'd had for 3 weeks but didn't have time to make an appointment for. Unpacking groceries...while my oldest whined that she was hungry. My youngest started crying because she stubbed her toe (again)...and both of them ...
Day 31 Learning To Let Go
"Bye! Have fun!" I yelled with my happiest smile plastered on my face. "I'll be back in a few hours to pick you up. Love you bunches!" Hannah looked back briefly to wave but quickly turned her attention to her friends in the car, on their way out to eat for her friend's birthday party. No big deal for most parents maybe but a HUGE one for me. This was the ...