Every busy mom needs this list of everyday health hacks for moms! Having young children can throw a lot of wrenches into a mom’s plan to stay healthy and active.
Staying healthy and being fit is so much more than going to a class – it’s the little things we moms do every single day that add up the most to our overall health. The good news is these little things are super easy to incorporate even with little munchkins in the house!
Before I was a mom, finding ways to be and stay healthy were easy. My husband and I would hit the gym after work. I had plenty of time to shop for healthy food. And my meal plans revolved around just me and Bryan.
Fastforward to now and I’m a SAHM (be sure to check out this post that gives my current job description…haha!) to a 6 year old and a 4 year old.
Plus, my oldest has chronic sinusitis which means she basically always has a sinus infection. So she is sick a lot and my plans get put on hold a LOT to take her to doctors and get her well.
But here I am, nearly 7 years post-partum, and I’m healthier than I was before she was born.
And no, I’m not one of those people who spend hours in a gym or only eats food from the dirt. I mean, more power to those people…I just can’t manage that kind of lifestyle and speaking honestly, I don’t aspire to.
But what I do want is to be healthy and fit so that I can play with my kids now and my grandkids 30 years from now.
Here’s How I Sneak In A Healthy Lifestyle Every Day
1. Exercise With A Friend
Throughout the years I have tried virtually every kind of exercise there is – aerobics, spin, running, rollerblading, tennis, track. But I never stuck with any of them. For years I thought I just hadn’t found my niche but that was wrong. My downfall was not in picking the wrong exercise…it was in going at it alone. Now I exercise with one of my best friends in the world. We attend a bootcamp style class 4-5 days a week together. Sure, sometimes we get yelled out for talking but because of her, exercise is fun and I look forward to it.
2. Get The Whole Family Involved
As long as it’s not raining or below freezing, you will find me and the girls (and the dog) outside most days. Whether it’s creating an obstacle course in the driveway, riding bikes in the neighborhood or seeing how far our toy goldendoodle can pull someone on their scooter, we are outside. Being active. And I’m right there with them!
3. Do Simple Exercises During Commercial Breaks
This was a game changer for me. Whenever I’m watching a show in the evening and a commercial comes on, I use those few minutes to do something active – wall sits, sit ups, jumping jacks. Nothing complex…but I’m moving! (Pssst it also means you’re not snacking!)
4. Keep Healthy Meal Options At The Ready
Sure, I would love to be able to cook gourmet, healthy meals every day. But with two kids and school and gymnastics and a husband that works long hours, that just isn’t possible. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still eat healthy. For example, I always stock my freezer with healthy, microwaveable meals like the Healthy Choice Simply Cafe Steamers line. These are NOT your mother’s tv dinners my friends! They have 100% natural proteins and absolutely no artificial ingredients and with nearly a dozen meal options to choose from, like the delicious Chicken & Vegetable Stir Fry I had the other night, you won’t get bored of your options!
5. Meditate Before Bed
It doesn’t need to be anything fancy – just 5 minutes that you spend in prayer and mindful review of the day and the day to come. A simple reminder to yourself that we are just a part of a grander plan.
6. When In Doubt, Drink It Out
Water that is…I once heard my pastor say that if we heard water described accurately (it flushes out your system, is a natural detox, promotes healthier and younger looking skin, decreases inflammation in the body, etc etc) we would think it’s a miracle drug. But we take it for granted… Don’t.
7. Eat Like Your Toddler
Be picky. Eat only when you are truly hungry. Choose only those foods that you love. Don’t eat because you’re bored.
8. Take Care Of Your Teeth
I know that seems like a crazy health hack, but your mouth is like a gateway to your whole body. Studies have linked poor oral care to diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist twice a year. It makes such a huge difference. READ HERE ON TIPS TO HELP YOUR LITTLE ONE AT THE DENTIST
9. Create Your Own Village
I wrote a post just on cultivating relationships with other moms – those people who, along with your family, become your village in this parenting thing. Sure we could survive alone and handle all the ins and outs of being a mom but why would we? Your friends and family will help you navigate all the parenting ups and downs. They will give you advice. They will just listen. All of which will help you stay sane and healthy!
10. Forgive Yourself
Treat yourself with the same level of kindness you treat your children and your friends. Being healthy is as much about the way you value yourself as it is the “things” you do. Didn’t exercise today? Do it tomorrow. Didn’t plan a healthy lunch? Grab one of the Healthy Choice Simple Cafe steamers and eat it tomorrow. There is always a tomorrow! And by using these simple fitness hacks, you will be a healthier version of YOU when tomorrow comes!
To learn more about all the healthy meal options that Healthy Choice has to offer visit www.facebook.com/healthychoice or www.HealthyChoice.com. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Great tips!!! Thanks! I know i’m always excited to go to the gym because I know I’ll see friends there – we get chatty sometimes too 🙂
Great Post. X