Took my girls to a local playground the other day and was so quickly taken back to my initial venturing on the playground as a new mom to a VERY active toddler. I realized that 5 years later, not much has changed on my list of the 6 moms you meet on the playground. I’m sure many of you can relate! And please know this list isn’t made to be ugly or mean…realize I am ONE of these moms on this list. And over the years, I’ve probably been ALL SIX! So laugh a little, see yourself, see your best friend, and see your worst enemy…but realize we are all in this together wearing the hats we need to on different days!
The 6 Moms You Meet On The Playground
1. The Overly Protective Mom – You know the one, she’s two steps behind her child…even when he’s 6! She’s worried that the slide is too curvy, the swings are too hot, the monkey bars are too dangerous. She’s afraid he won’t find a playmate. She’s afraid that when he does, they won’t figure out a game to play. She worries her daughter will fall at the park, get a cut, and get that awful flesh eating bacteria…because, you know, there was an article in the paper about it yesterday…in a state 10 hours away.
2. The Absent Minded Mom – She’s the one who forgot sunscreen when it’s a blistering 95 degrees out. Her kids don’t have snacks or water…but they certainly know how to find Mom #3 to get those things! She makes a gazillion trips back to the car for one thing or another. Her child may get hurt and be crying and she still hasn’t figured out it’s hers. Oh, and its likely one of her kids doesn’t have shoes on either.
3. The Super Mom – This mom is on a mission – to do it right….all the time. She has drinks (packed with ice) in her bag…as well as backup waters. Her portable cooler with a fancy design and her family’s name initialed on it is filled to the brim with healthy, portable snacks. She has 3 types of sunscreen, a back up set of clothes for each kid…just IN CASE they get dirty. She has a towel in her trunk to wipe down the wet playground equipment. She’s showered, makeup is on and she is in a perfectly suited outfit – not dressy, not casual…playground chic.
4. The Germaphobe – This Mom comes to the playground equipped with Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer and Wet Ones. She quickly scopes out the fastest path to the restrooms in case actual soap and water is needed. She disinfects everything she THINKS her child may touch and insists every 5 minutes they get a squirt of sanitizer. Oh and that loud scream you just heard? That was this mom yelling at her kids when they THOUGHT about picking something off the ground.
5. The Connected Mom – This mom knows EVERYONE! She came with a friend, she sees 3 more people she knows and while at the park, she gets at least two phone calls from friends. People love to love her. She seems funny, relaxed, super social and you find yourself transported back to middle school PRAYING she will notice you and strike up a conversation.
6. The Walking Zombie – This poor mom is disheveled, exhausted, and hasn’t showered in 3 days. Her hair has cheerios stuck in the back and she’s currently sporting a mismatched ensemble. This mom hasn’t slept in weeks – she probably has a baby under 1 and at least one other child. Starbucks is her current best friend – which is good since she doesn’t have the energy to reach out to Mom #5! She didn’t feel like being here today but her she has long-range vision and she knows, just beyond the horizon, she’s going to be Mom #3 in no time!
Hope you saw yourself in this list and had a good chuckle! I myself probably go between Mom #1 and Mom #4 most days!
becky says
you are hilarious! 🙂 says
Isn’t that why you love to be around me?! Maybe I should have added one more – the mom who thinks she just missed her calling as a comedian and makes everyone endure her jokes and awkward dancing!
Karen Patten says
Is it possible to be #3 and #6? Hahaha!
Orlena says
Love this post. I am definitely #6 today! I think you should add another one…the mom who has too many kids to worry about anything short of a medical emergency!
Nell Regan Kartychok says
I think you missed a few judging by the comments – haha! This was a great post. Love it and shared to my fb page 🙂 I feel like you missed the one I’d most identify with. #7 The Risky Outdoor Play Mom – she supports her child’s risky endeavors, lends a guiding hand when they need one, steps back to watch as much as she can, and allows them to go barefoot if they want to. She smiles and cheers them on as she says a cheerful hello to everyone else out there. says
Haha! I probably missed that one because I’m too paranoid to be that one! One day…I know I have it in me! Thanks so much for sharing!