Keeping kids safe no longer comes down to simply keeping the doors locked and making sure your kids are with a responsible adult. Today "strangers" can come right into your home via the internet and locking them out has gotten a lot tougher. Would you let a total stranger come into your home and play with your child? What if I told you that he's already here and upstairs playing ...
Your “Best” Pediatrician Checklist
If you have a young child, you of course want to find the best pediatrician. Which is easier said than done! As someone who's daughter has spent more than her fair share in doctor's offices, I have learned that the best pediatricians will always meet these 6 criteria. I have never failed to find interesting the fact that new moms will agonize for hours over the best carseat, the ...
How To Stay Faithful To Your Spouse
Getting married doesn't mean that you all of a sudden lose all attraction or interest in other people but learning just how to stay faithful to your spouse is as important as actually staying faithful. Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! "I'll be late again tonight," I hear Bryan say on the other end of the phone. Something about a big ...
Sometimes Church Just Has To Wait
I've learned over the years, that sometimes church just has to wait. And coming from a fairly religious person, that just might throw you off. THE SNOW The snow was falling ever so softly Sunday morning...small tender snowflakes barely making it to the too-warm ground. And yet, by some defiance of nature, the snow was laying and sticking to the brown bermuda grass in our ...
3 Conversation Starters For Kids
If you are struggling to glean details from your child's day, start asking these 3 Conversation Starters For Kids and watch them finally open up! It is so interesting to observe the differences in our children's can be shy while the other one knocks you over to meet a new friend at the park. One can love to be outside while the other thinks she should only be ...
There Are Days Parenting Is Hard
Dear Children, There are days parenting is hard. Then there are days when it seems easy. There are days when I can't wait for you to wake up and spend the day with me. Then there are days I count the hours till bedtime. There are days when I worry so much about your health, your future, your soul that I can barely contain my fears. Then there are days I let all of that ...
6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids
My husband and I follow these 6 Things Good Parents Do In Front Of Their Kids on a daily basis. Or at the very least, we are trying! Because the example we are setting at home for our children is laying the foundation for many many years to come. Being a good parent sometimes has NOTHING to do with your children. Sounds weird huh? But the way we ...
Marry Someone Who Makes You Feel Small
In 6th grade and already 5'8", my dream of ever being the short, cute girl was squashed like a pumpkin being chucked the week after Halloween. This was it, I rationalized. Despite all my futile prayers, my lot in life was going to be the tall, awkward girl that towered over the boys. In middle school, this can be a real blow to your ego. Plus, add on this fact ...
10 New Years Resolutions You Will Actually Keep
And the race is on....the countdown has started...only a couple more days left in 2015 and my Facebook feed is blowing up with people stating their resolutions (because, you know, if you say it on Facebook, it must be true). I'm getting email after email reminding me that it's not too late to set my 2016 goals - more money, less weight, better jobs... And I wonder if you too are feeling the ...
What Moms Eat
Crumpled wrapper from a pack of crackers...3 partially drunk bottles of water...20+ goldfish scattered across the floorboard in various states of crumbs... Just a sprinkling of the various things covering my car the other night. And I embarrasingly admit I ate a few of those goldfish and it made me think about what moms eat...every day...any average mom of young kids. ...