"When They Are Hard To Love — Love Them Harder" kind of speaks to EVERY mom in the history of the universe because there are some days it just seems hard: hard to remember that they are only children who need our love, patience, guidance, and joy more than anything in the world. I'm sure you can relate to those days when everything about motherhood seems hard. Those days when your young ...
Day 20 Nurturing Your Marriage After Children
Ahhh the bane of so many a good mom - Day 20 Nurturing Your Marriage After Children reminds me that in this family, it's not just me and my children. There is a husband who needs my love and attention just as much and sometimes more than my 2 kids. Can you even remember what it was like before children - the relationship you had with your husband? Depending on how old your ...
Day 19 Relax – You Are Never Going To Finish
As moms we get so wrapped up in crossing things off our To-Do list that we often forget this: Day 19 Relax - You Are Never Going To Finish. I mean, like NEVER! And it's good and it's bad and it's all in a day of parenting. But the sooner we accept this truism, the sooner we can focus on what's really important. The Race Begins Alarm off - jump out of bed - rouse snoring hubby - ...
Day 18 Quit Beating Yourself Up
I don't know about you but Day 18 Quit Beating Yourself Up is one I need to remind myself of at least once a day. I'm not sure where or how we learn it as moms, but to truly be a better mom, we need to quit using ourselves as a punching bag. When did it happen? When did we become the punching bag in this relationship with ourselves? I don't remember being so hard on ...
Day 17 Put Yourself In Their Shoes
It's really hard to do this sometimes- but Day 17 Put Yourself In Their Shoes gives us moms a little insight into how crappy it can be to be a kid some days. Because when you think about it, it's not all sunshine and suckers that low to the ground. And even though it's all a little funny, sometimes being a better mom is as simple as remembering that everyone faces daily struggles, ...
Day 16 Be Their Calm
On the days when it's hard and the days that you think you cannot possibly bite your tongue or keep the peace any more, Day 16 Be Their Calm is all about why you should. How in the midst of the chaos that is this world, sometimes being a better mom is all about finding the ways to make your home be the eye of the storm. We've all had THOSE days...where we were running about 10 ...
Day 15 Give Them Kisses Lots Of Kisses
When my girls were babies and soft and snuggly and smelled good all the time, I never would have needed Day 15 Give Them Kisses Lots Of Kisses to remind me to do just that. Because they were so fresh out of my belly, still seemingly tethered by that unseen umbilical cord, that kissing their little cheeks, and mouths and toes and fingers was ingrained in me, second nature...an innate ...
Day 14 The Meal Time Rule We Do Not Break
In our house, we don't keep a ton of "rules" but Day 14 The Meal Time Rule We Do Not Break is one I learned myself growing up and it made a huge impact on me. It will impact your entire day if you follow it, and you will be guaranteed that your children will enjoy sitting down to eat with you. Growing up, I lived what I think was a pretty idyllic life. We grew up poor in ...
Day 13 Date Your Child
Day 13 Date Your Child reminds me that I when I spend one-on-one time with each of my little girls, it really gives me a chance to show them individually just how special they are. Remember when you went on dates? How the whole conversation revolved around getting to know the other person better - what they loved, what they didn't, what made them laugh, what scared them. Your ...
Day 12 Take Care of #1
We give and we give and we give until we are empty. Day 12 Take Care of #1 focuses on the importance of taking care of the one person whom everyone else relies on...you! When Did The Tables Turn? It's amazing really. As children and young adults, we become accustomed to someone taking care of us. Even as we gain more and more responsibility and autonomy, there is still that ...