Dear Dad, I want to say thank you to the veteran I barely know. I mean, I KNOW you and the man you are. I know how you met my mom in church, how you loved her probably from the time you first saw her. I know about your family - your sisters and parents. I know about your wedding day and your marriage. I know about how you have always been there for me. How ...
Why Parents Really Have More Than One Child
The decision to have another baby is one that all parents face and the reasons are as varied as the colors in the rainbow. "to complete our family" "trying for a boy/girl" "always wanted a big family" and on and on. But I believe that there is an undercurrent to these reasons that influences many parents, whether or not they acknowledge it. I saw a cute little meme going around ...
Moving With Children? What You Need To Make It Easier!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CORT for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. Are you going to be moving with children? It doesn't have to be as hard as you think it's going to be. A little planning and forethought will take you a long way! We have been really fortunate between mine and my husband’s jobs that we have not had to relocate. In fact, the need ...
The Real Way We Are Failing Other Moms
There's a lot of talk these days about mommy wars and "SAHM vs Working mothers" but I believe the lack of a simple admission is the real way we are failing moms. We have the opportunity (daily I bet) to admit we are just as lost as the next mom and yet we put on a facade and act like we have it together. When clearly I don't. We had just dropped her big sister off at school and ...
8 Hidden Dangers Lurking In Your Home
We worry so much about keeping our children safe, but we often miss these hidden dangers inside the home. But it really only takes a little extra time and effort to address them all. I'll admit - when I had my first daughter, Hannah, I figured that as long as we put covers on all of the outlets, had cabinet locks on most of the doors and got her a Britax car seat, we would be pretty ...
Surviving Parenting After Your Divorce
Parenting after divorce can seem like an insurmountable task some days. Sharing custody, figuring out who gets kids for the holidays, understanding that you won't get to be witness to all of your child's milestones any more. It's an emotional blow. But it can be done...and done well. It comes down in large part to accepting that things have changed, working with your ...
Best Gifts For Moms On The Go – PLUS GIVEAWAY
If you're a busy mom who's always on the run, then save this list of the best gifts for moms on the go. Because of all the things moms have - patience, love, the ability to laugh in the worst moments- extra time is not one of them! I don't know about you but this being a mom thing is a lot BUSIER than I had ever planned on when my first born daughter came along. I ...
Make Time For What Matters
We spend so much time saying "we don't have time" that you may wonder just how to make time for what matters. But the key is we ALL have the exact same amount of time - there are 24 hours in a day for you. for me. for everyone. So if there are things that are important to you that you aren't finding time for, it's time to figure out those roadblocks. "Hillary," I heard my ...
Charity Begins At Home
If you are a mom who feels like you've said yes to everyone but yourself, please remember this: Charity Begins At Home. If you need a "reason" to say no, fall back on those words. I saw the post pop up in my Facebook newsfeed...but really there was nothing special or unique about it. It went something like this: "In prayerful review of my life right now. I'm reevaluating all ...
One Critical Missed Reason For Aggression In Children
If your child is showing a lot of anger or aggression, don't discount this critical missed reason for aggression in children. I've watched it play out in real life over and over and am thankful in my own child's life, I was able to figure it out. I could hear my daughter and her best friend playing upstairs. At 2 years old, Hannah and Sydney had been meeting for playdates for nearly ...