This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CORT for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Are you going to be moving with children? It doesn’t have to be as hard as you think it’s going to be. A little planning and forethought will take you a long way!
We have been really fortunate between mine and my husband’s jobs that we have not had to relocate. In fact, the need to stay in one place was a major factor in our decision to not go into the field we both studied in school – City And County Management. That field is notorious for moving you around…start in a small town, work your way up to a bigger town, etc and so on.
But despite our good luck, we still have chosen to move during our marriage and after kids. Which as anyone can tell you, moving WITH KIDS is a whole new ballgame compared to moving WITHOUT KIDS.
Check out this post for some great tips on what things to do first when you find out you’re moving!
What seemed so easy, suddenly wasn’t.
While I was able to pull a few basic outfits from my closet and make them “work” for those weird weeks when you are ALMOST out of your old house and SORT OF moved in to your new one, my girls weren’t so easy.
Suddenly tags on shirts that had never itched before were the bane of their existence.
And there were no less than 5 meltdowns when the pink tutu wasn’t washed and readily available.
Moving with kids was a whole new ballgame.
It took a little ingenuity, a whole lot of patience and some common sense but we survived that move with the girls. And if I’m ever in that position again, these are the things I WILL NOT FORGET!
1. Involve Your Children
Idle hands are the devil’s playground…or something like that. But you get the gist.
A kid who’s bored with nothing to do finds a million things to do that are not helpful when you are moving!
While I was meticulously packing boxes, my girls were haphazardly unpacking them in the next room.
So I gave them both a box and put them in charge of stuffed animals…or blankets...or anything that wouldn’t break. They felt involved and I was a lot more productive.
2.Keep Twice As Many Kids’ Clothes Available As Your Own
Let’s be honest – if push came to shove, I could survive with a couple pairs of yoga pants and my favorite t-shirts for at least 2 weeks. Throw in a pair of jeans and a skirt, and I’m good to go.
But as I mentioned above (eek!) your kids can be a LOT more picky. For each of the girls, we kept 5 pairs of shorts, 5 leggings, and 10 tops I also threw in a couple skirts and dresses and tutus.
These bags saved us when we were in those last two weeks in the old house!
3. Make Home Be Wherever You Are
Let me tell ya, home really is a state of mind. It has basically NOTHING to do with your belongings, your room, how big the kitchen is, if you have a 3 car garage.
For a child, especially, home is where they feel loved…safe…and where their family is.
I’ve had a few friends move into an apartment while they waited for their new house to be built. And as practical adults, they figured the less they could drag to the apartment, the easier the move would be.
So I’m talking I’ve seen kids sleeping in cots, tvs angled against walls and beanbag chairs for 3 or more months!
It doesn’t have to be this way.
With CORT Furniture Rental you can literally make home away from home with custom furniture rentals. Their amazing system lets you choose whole-home rentals, rentals by the room or rentals by specific piece.
Kids crammed together in one small room? Use CORT to rent a sleeper sofa!

Missing sitting down to have a family dinner at the same time? Use CORT to find the perfect table and the exact number of chairs for YOUR needs.
4. Your Kids Still Want To Eat
It’s easy to want to stop buying food as supplies dwindle because that’s just one more thing to pack.
I made this mistake too but once I realized our dinner options had been reduced to mustard sandwiches and frozen pancakes, I bit the bullet and bought groceries less than a week before our move.
What helped was sticking to a few simple meal ideas and buying ONLY those ingredients.
5. This Is Going To Be Hard – On You AND The Kids
When we moved, it was only a distance of 20 minutes from where we had been. I figured I wouldn’t be that sad about the move and I thought the girls would be so excited about finally having a playroom, they wouldn’t miss the old house.
I was wrong.
It was a lot harder emotionally than I had banked on. We left one of the kindest neighbors we ever had (and who knew the girls from birth). Our new community pool was 1/4 the size of our old neighborhood and there wasn’t a playground…both REALLY big deals to kids.
And while I loved our new home, in many ways I was starting from scratch. Our old furniture didn’t “fit” the new house’s space. I rushed to buy new pieces, most of which I regretted.
I honestly wish I had used CORT Furniture Rental for the first few months just so we could have adjusted to our new surroundings….figured out what we actually needed…and sorted out what kind of furniture was right for us (ex – the formal dining set that we NEVER use was not right for us).

And one final note
Yes, a new home is exciting and fresh and full of opportunity…but our old house had the MEMORIES.
Here’s to making new ones in your new home!
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